Headway Basingstoke

POSITIVE About Life After Brain Injury

Headway Basingstoke is a local independent registered charity supporting people living with brain injury and their carers & families in the North Hampshire area

Fun Day Monday

Headway Basingstoke is about to start a new National Lottery funded project called ‘Fun Day Monday’ – Click here for more details


Headway Basingstoke continues to provide vital information and support to help you during the coronavirus outbreak. We’ve adapted the way in which we deliver services to include outreach and online support to help you cope during these difficult times. We’re also here for when additional difficulties may arise.

The health, social and economic impact of coronavirus, or COVID-19, cannot be understated. At Headway Basingstoke, we understand that the ever-changing environment, in which social change is happening at an unprecedented pace, is causing significant concern to individuals, carers and families affected by brain injury. We aim to adapt to these changes to meet the needs of our service users.

We know that routine can be very important to some people living with the long-term effects of brain injury, with social isolation often exacerbating its behavioural, emotional and psychological effects. Social isolation can also put great strain on families and carers. We’re here for you and will continue to provide as much support as we can during this incredibly challenging time.

We’re here – Stay with us and continue to support us supporting you

# Never More Needed

Supporting people living with brain injury in the North Hampshire area

Quality Accreditations held by Headway Basingstoke

SQP Simple Quality Protects – Quality Assurance for the Third Sector – Gold level

Headway UK Governance Standard – Level 3

Hampshire County Council Preferred Provider for physical activities for disabled adults

Headway Basingstoke
Headway Place, Homefield Way, Basingstoke,
RG24 9SP
01256 962849
Registered Charity No. 1056048
Company Number 03206788

Copyright © 2023 Headway Basingstoke